About me

   I admit that I have a foot fetish and live in Utah of all places. I like everything else guys find sexy in a woman but also find a woman’s feet to be sexy whether it is a woman walking around with or without shoes. I like feet as well as the footwear that shows off beautiful feet such as sandals, high-heels, etc. I prefer bare feet but a woman wearing black nylons looks sexy too. I am great at giving foot massages, pampering feet, and worshipping a woman’s feet but rarely get the chance since women in general don’t like men who are into feet and I’m not that successful at finding a date here in Utah – not that I am willing to reveal to a girlfriend that I am into feet and risk ending our relationship. I hope with this blog to bring awareness to women and address the many misconceptions there are about a foot fetish. There are a lot more serious fetishes out there than a foot fetish!

   Since Utah isn’t to receptive of foot fetishes, I often visit foot parties in other states especially in Las Vegas and am often referred to as “Marc from Utah” or “Marcus from Utah” since the other male guests are usually locals and a lot of women are surprised I would take a 7 hour trip to and from Vegas or fly to Vegas primarily for a foot party when I live in Northern Utah. Utah may be right next door to Nevada but as I mentioned Las Vegas is 7 hours away and there are parts on the way that can get tricky with the weather. It can be warm in Vegas, Saint George (Often called Utah’s Dixie for it’s warm weather), and even warm in Salt Lake City or Ogden but you can be caught by a heavy rain or snow storm on the way. There is a direct flight from Salt Lake City to Las Vegas that avoids the driving and only takes a little over an hour. It’s always a treat to visit neighboring states to get away and most importantly go to a foot party.

 &nbs; I also hope to meet any woman who would like to have her feet pampered by me who happens to live in Utah. I also like to take photos and if there are women out there who love to show off their sexy feet, I’m willing to arrange a modeling session and take photos of your feet and post them on this blog. I of course will compensate you for allowing me to take photos of your feet. Don’t worry, they won’t be sexual poses and the posted photos will not contain anything other than your feet unless you would like to show more than your feet such as a face shot. The photos I take are to provide a sampling of the beautiful feet of Utah women who are willing to share there feet with men who have a foot fetish.

   I once had a blog on blogger but removed this blog due to changes in terms of service that I didn’t necessarily agree with and felt wordpress is a better option. Like my blog that appeared in Blogger, This blog discusses foot fetishes and to celebrate the beautiful feet of the beautiful women of Utah as well as discuss having a foot fetish that may be the most popular fetish at least among men. One time records were revealed from America Online years ago and one of the top search terms involved foot fetishes. It is my hope that this blog will help men who realize they have a foot fetish know that they are not alone and provide ways to cope, help women who may have found out their boyfriend/husband has a foot fetish, as well as give awareness to what a foot fetish is and dispel some common myths associated with people who have fetishes. I also hope to find ways that men with foot fetishes can meet open minded women who would love someone to pay attention to their feet. In addition, I want women to realize that even though they may think their feet are the ugliest part of their body, their feet can be sexy and please not be creep ed out by men who are into feet. I’m currently looking into the possibility of holding foot fetish parties in Utah but I have to admit this may be difficult to do in a conservative state. I live in Ogden, Utah which is 35 miles north of Salt Lake City and our city has run strip clubs out of town. In Davis county, leaders tried to stop a pole dancing competition as a result of concerns of “the type of people it would bring to Davis County”. Utah is quite conservative in a lot of parts but I’m hoping I can find a place to hold a foot party. Just a kind note when commenting on the women in this blog that I do moderate these comments and will reject comments that are not so complimenting to the women or may appear creepy. The women appearing on this blog were willing to share their feet for your viewing pleasure and in some cases have allowed me to sale photos of their feet. Keep in mind when making comments that some of these models are only modeling their feet and may be unfamiliar with the world of foot fetishism other than having someone telling them they have sexy feet or deciding to give foot modeling a try after seeing this blog or seeing an add in the classifieds. I think there are a lot of Utah women who don’t realize how great having their feet pampered really is or realize it but have kept this pleasure in the closet and like a lot of men, they don’t tell their boyfriend/spouse that they enjoy this for fear that their partner wouldn’t understand.

   I also have Aspergers which is a form of high functioning Autism which has made it difficult to fit in socially as well as find dates. It can be hard having Aspergers because in a lot of ways you are normal but in other ways you are not normal and this can make it hard to make or keep friends. I’ve written a blog on my experiences called Living with the Aspergers Curse. My hopes are to provide an insight into what it is like to have Aspergers as an adult with this blog. I should emphasize that having a foot fetish has nothing to do with Aspergers and these blogs are two separate subjects.

16 comments on “About me

  1. You are in Utah? I’d like to talk to you more 🙂 Please message me.

    • luv 2 kiss smell worship feet/need 2 find groups in Utah Randy/Provo, Utah. want 2 buy footnight inter. franchise soon. See footnight.com !!!

      • I’ve actually attended sessions from footnight.com many times and have also considered creating a franchise. One thing that concerns me is that Utah is a little more conservative than the average state and it may be difficult to create a franchise. Some cities have made it nearly impossible to open up any adult oriented business in Utah and even ran strip clubs out of their city. I’ve thought of single events but then there are stories such as Davis County reconsidering permit for pole dancing competition. In this case local city leaders were concerned that this was a sly attempt to create a temporary adult oriented event disguised as some athletic competition. Despite reassurances by promoters that any dancer who has an article of clothing fall off during a dance (even if one of her shoes falls off) will be disqualified and that anyone who tries to tip these pole dancers will be kicked out of the event, they were ready to revoke this permit. There also plenty of instances where yearbook photos have been modified for females who had bare shoulders in yearbook photos, complaints about Victoria Secrets® ads, etc. I’ve considered having a Footnight Franchise in Salt Lake City or an independent franchise. It would be nice to have such a franchise here in Utah but I’m not so sure if one can get a permit or get a steady stream of women as well as customers to stay open. I can say that I would be willing to attend an event if you create a franchise even though I usually avoid going to Provo. There are a lot of beautiful Utah women and it would be nice to have a place where men who are into feet can indulge in their fetish.

  2. I wish you lived in London. You can touch my feet anytime…

  3. You’re also a homophobe and only like womens feet even though there is no difference between a mens and womans feet. You don’t really have a foot fetish since you don’t like mens feet.

    • How is being straight being a homophobe? Does this make the rest of us heterosexual men homophobes too? Is a women who is only attracted to men a homophobe? Would it be discrimination if a woman preferred that a man worship her feet instead of a woman? A foot fetish doesn’t mean that a person is attracted to ALL feet. For a straight male they are attracted to female feet only.

    • If I was interested in all feet including guys feet I would become a podiatrist! There are differences between men and womens feet.

    • In my day a persons sexual preference wasn’t anybodies business and you weren’t considered a “homophobe” for not being gay. Why don’t you look for a guy who is into men’s feet rather than forcing a guy who is into women’s feet to like men’s feet? Would you also call someone a “homophobe” for refusing to go to bed with you because he is straight and isn’t interested in men? Wouldn’t this be the same as people trying to force you to be straight?

  4. Bwahhaa that is the dumbest thing i’ve ever read. You have a sexual presence… you are into feet… how does that not make a person have a foot fetish. I prefer my feet for a guy.. does that make a homophobe? I think not. I like men… I like them loving my feet..
    The end .. lol Where did you come from purple warrior dude?

  5. I meant preference.. not presence

  6. Please stop trying to make a foot fetish out to be a minor problem. An attraction to feet isn’t normal and us women find it creepy that some nutcase would find our feet sexy. Instead of publishing a blog please seek psychiatric help! A lot of women fear wearing sandals or going barefoot because of people like you. We also had to break up relationships because we found out our boyfriend has a creepy attraction to feet.

    • So what attractions are normal? Is a guy who has a preference for redheads instead of blonds abnormal? Is a guy who doesn’t care if a woman doesn’t have giant breasts abnormal? Everyone (including you) have certain characteristics you prefer in a partner.

  7. When do you plan to include women who are not cisgendered? showing only cisgendered women is not only discriminatory but also shows that you are a bigot.

    • I’m afraid to ask but what does cisgendered mean? How would I be a bigot when I have no idea what you mean by cisgendered women? Honestly this is the first time I’ve ever heard this word.

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